
Day 2: National Agriculture Week

Deep Roots Farm Stand

By Rebecca Orlovich March 23, 2023

What a great opportunity we have in our area to experience fresh agriculture and know where it comes from. Located in West Dundee Deep Roots Farm Stand is what it is called. According to one of the co-owners, Kevin, “Deep Roots Farm Stand is a small farm stand where we grow all of our produce on our property. We sell Vegetables, Fruit,Eggs, and Honey. Currently we have Eggs and Raw Wild flower Honey. We use no chemicals. All are fertilizers are from our chickens and composted leaves.

 We plant wild flowers so that our Honey Bees don’t have to travel far for nectar, and pollen. We have twenty five  bee hives.

 We have all ready started to grow some of our tomato and pepper plants inside.

We planted 4500 garlic plants this past October and they will be ready the week of July 4th. 

This is what we will be planting this Spring:

6000 Onions

400 Tomato plants 











Hot Peppers 

Sweet Peppers

Egg Plant



Green Beans


 My wife Terie, and I can’t wait to get out in the gardens and start to grow things.

We are so blessed to have this property. 

When you stop buy in the summer you usually will be greeted by one of our Yellow Labs, Dude and Yella. We also have one gentleman that helps us with the weeding and picking of the vegetables.

 We operate on the honor system. If you don’t have the money at the time of your purchase, you can always come back to pay at a later time. If someone is having financial issues please talk to us and we will supply you with some vegetables to help feed you and your family. 

 We love to donate produce to local food pantries. What ever produce that starts to go bad, we feed it to our chickens or put it to compost.”

I am so excited to check out this farm stand and little farm!  If you check it out as well take a picture of yourself there and send it to for a chance to win a prize by April 4th.

Since Kevin and his wife give their time and are so generous with the community what is something that you do to help the community? Send your answers (pictures if you want to as well) in to by April 4th for a chance to win a prize.

Activity: get in some soil, plant some seeds, see what grows. We can all be farmers :)