
Got a Cardboard Box?

By Rebecca Orlovich January 30, 2023

From a cardboard moving box to a cereal box there are many indoor (or outdoor for that matter) activities that you and your child can do together with one.

Let’s start with a moving box. I’m sure you remember as a kid what an imagination can turn a box into. Whether it’s turned into a fort, an astronaut helmet, a puppet stage, or anything from the mind beyond, a cardboard box can go from something that takes up space to something that is entrainment for you and your child for hours. All you need is what ever you have at home and your minds put together. (Some examples of home supplies are scissors, markers, glue, yarn, etc.)

Is your child “too old” for imagination play? Take a cereal box that has games and activities on the back of it and cut the back out. If you have access to a laminator, you can laminate the activities to do more than once. Please make sure if you have access to a laminator that it can fit a cereal box before laminating. This is something that you and your older child can do together or praise them for doing it on their own. Use expo markers on the lamination to do the activities then simply if you would like to keep the activity, just wipe off the markers and keep for a rainy day.

If your child is crafty or has a gift they want to wrap, they can make a box out of old greeting cards. Just do a web search for making boxes out of greeting cards and it is something that you and your child can watch and do together. This will teach them about reusing things for other purposes, and teach about giving to others.

Happy “boxing!” :)